Computation in Engineering II

also known as: Computergestützte Berechnungsverfahren in den Ingenieurwissenschaften II.

Content of the Lecture

During the course we will develop a spline computation project that combines efficient computations in C++ with a simple data visualization in the python programming language. The project is built up step by step: We start from a simple evaluation of B-Splines, and continue to implement more algorithms and data structures as the course progresses into the same code. Towards the end of the semester we will be able to discuss more complex topics, such as finite elements, based on the implementation in our project.

The course is split into a more theoretical part that introduces algorithms and data structures and a practical part that focusses on the implementation of those algorithms and data structures in C++. The two parts will be held in an alternating fashon with the following content:

1. Algorithms and data structures:

  • B-Spline basis functions
  • B-Spline curves and surfaces
  • Interpolation using B-Splines
  • Mesh generation
  • Sparse matrices
  • Finite elements using B-Splines

 2. New C++ material, besides implementing content introduced in 1)

  • Language interoparability: Exposing C++ functions to python
  • Error handling in C++: Exceptions
  • More standard library when appropriate



  • There will be one compulsory CAD (programming) assignment.


  • Material for the lecture and practical course can be found on moodle


Name Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Ernst Rank Stefan Kollmannsberger
Room 3167 3165
Consult. time by arrangement by arrangement